Saturday, September 17, 2011

Log Rolls

Do you remember when you were a kid and you used to log roll down the hill? For some unknown reason, it was the best thing in the world. Looking back on it, I can't believe that just rolling down a hill was that much fun, but I vividly remember loving every second of it. Well, we don't have a hill here, but apparently the floor is just as good.....Liam is obsessed with log rolling from one end of the carpet to the other. We finally caught it on video for you all to see because we think it is hilarious. If you put him on the floor it is all he wants to do. He only knows how to roll to the right so we put him at the very top of our carpet and let him have at it. Not only does he love it, but he is really good at it and lately has gotten very fast. Sometimes I will look away for a split second and he has already reached the end and is getting ready to roll onto the fireplace (which obviously is not ideal).

He's a bit slower in this video as he is clearly mesmerized by the camera, but he does start to pick up at the end.

Enjoy :)

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