Monday, November 7, 2011


That seems to be the word of the day at our house lately. Luckily there has been nothing serious but it is still hard when your cheerful little guy is consistently sick and unhappy. I have had my serious share of illnesses this year as well. I honestly NEVER get sick and this year I have been knocked down hard a few times. 3 weeks ago Liam started in with a little cough and cold. Just as he was starting to get well he began getting really fussy and spitting up a TON. Then that weekend he started in with a low grade fever and waking up at, off to the pediatrician we went. Turns out he had some sort of stomach bug. Poor little guy. Thankfully we got him on some medicine and he seems to be doing much better. This weekend was the first time in a few weeks were I really felt like I had my cheery happy boy back. Then cue last Thursday. This time it was me. I started in with a sore throat and by Friday it was bothering me enough that i went to the Dr. Yep, strep throat. I seriously have not had strep throat since I was a kid. Everything started hitting all at once and I just got so bummed about it all this past week. I know it will keep happening and I know it is actually a good thing for Liam so he can build up his immune system, so as long as I keep telling myself that we are set.

We head to New Jersey/Philly/Virgina next week for grandparent time, a wedding and Thanksgiving so keep your fingers crossed that we can stay well until AFTER that trip :)

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