Murphy's Law states "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". So, based off this definition, I have decided that I should just call of my wedding now. I mean, seriously, I'm doomed. Not only am I a Murphy, but my oh so wonderful (non-related I swear) fiance is also a Murphy. And when you have Murphy + Murphy + Wedding the solution = DOOMED.
I was recently reminded of this law. Let me preface this by saying that I am a weather freak. I enjoy watching the weather, knowing what the weather is going to be, and even tuning into the weather channel every now and then. So, when we decided the date we were going to get married on, I immediately pulled up the "wedding planner" on to look at the history of the weather on August 29th. I was instantly overcome with a sense of calm when the weather tracker showed me that there has been 0% rain for the past 4 YEARS on August 29th in Charleston.
Now, flash forward to yesterday when I was finally within the 10 day forecast of our wedding date (secretly I have been looking forward to this moment almost as much as my wedding day) and was able to look up the actual forecast for that day. I have to say, my heart was racing when I logged on and began to scroll down to the date that read August 29, 2009. All of the sudden, there is was like a bright light: Sunny, 84 and only 20% chance of rain. BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't believe it! Murphy's Law (at least for that day) was no where in sight.
So, today (as I plan to do everyday until THE DAY), I woke up and the first thing I did was log onto to give me that little jolt of excitement I knew would follow when i saw "84, Sunny and 20% chance of rain" staring back at me. HOWEVER, in the matter of 18 hours, fate realized that mine and my future's husband's last name was Murphy and thought "well, they can't have beautiful weather on their big day. Murphy's law says no way." So what did I see when i logged on? "CHANCE OF THUNDERSTORMS 60%. DEVELOPING LATER IN THE AFTERNOON". Well awesome. The description might as well said: "there will definitely be rain on your wedding day" because that is how I read it in my head. I proceeded to wake Josh up and proclaim "Babe, I know this really sucks, but it will be pouring at our wedding".
Insane, I know, but for some reason I am convinced this will be the case. Maybe it is because I never read "The Secret" or maybe it's because I think that if I believe the worst case scenario to be true, then I can only be happily surprised on my wedding day, right?! So, for now, I've decided that there will be torrential downpours during my wedding and that the oh so beautiful ceremony that is supposed to happen outside will surely be moved into a confined space inside.