So I told you this would probably be an ongoing post. As suspected, 10 more weeks and I've got a whole other list of things that I was never really prepared for. Yep, today we are 27 weeks preggers (holy cow) and have only one more week in the 2nd trimester. Crazy! Now, time to get to the point of this post.
1). A body pillow is not a luxury but a necessity. I always heard people talk about having a body pillow to rest up against at night but I never realized it was a necessity until about 2 weeks ago. Literally 2 weeks ago I started noticing how uncomfortable my stomach felt at night. I couldn't figure out why until it finally hit me that my stomach has gotten so huge that when I lay on my side, gravity forces it down and it is literally pulling away from my body and super uncomfortable. more talk about how nice that body pillow was....if you talk to me, I'll tell you that there is no other option.
2). When your belly button pops it does not feel good. For days I had this terribly uncomfortable and a bit painful tingling sensation behind my belly button. I was actually starting to get worried about it as I couldn't find anything in any of my 10 pregnancy books that talked about it. One evening it was so uncomfortable that I finally vowed to call my Dr. the next morning. Well, low and behold the next day I woke up pain free with a belly button sticking out. At my next visit I asked about it and my Dr confirmed that your belly button has lots of nerve endings and when your cervix is stretching it pushes up against these nerve endings causing pain and sensitivity. Ah ha!
3). Baby kicks feel great, unless they happen in the middle of the night or early in the morning. I always knew that my baby would kick...I mean, that is having a baby 101. What I didn't realize is how intense the kicks would become and how difficult that can be if it occurs in the wee hours of the night. I've been able to feel our baby since about 17 weeks, but just within the last 3 weeks have the kicks, movements, etc become so intense that it has either kept me up till the wee hours or woken me up at the wee hours. A few weeks ago baby Murphy started practicing karate around 4AM and didn't calm down until 7AM...right in time for my alarm to go off for work. I've also experienced the opposite...being so sleepy that all I want to do is doze off, but for some reason baby Murphy thinks it is time for practice and doesn't wind down till 2AM. Trust me, I love those kicks more than anything, but I just wanted to give all my soon to be mommy friends a fair warning.
4). If you don't find out the sex of your baby, be prepared to defend yourself 24/7. People these days have a REALLY hard time understanding why you would not want to find out the sex of your baby. They will inundate you with can you not know? Is it killing you? What color are you going to do the nursery then? How will you pick out clothes? Aren't you dying to know? I can't believe you don't know!!! That last one is more of a statement that everyone likes to throw in there at the last minute. So for all of you reading, let me say this, We don't want to know, We've never wanted to know, We've never wanted a pink or blue nursery anyway, We are not anxious or dying to know, We are just excited we are having a baby and when we do go into labor I will be very excited to hear the doctor announce "Congratulations, its a X"! Done, end of discussion :)