Ok - before everyone freaks out, this is NOT what the Doctor told me...this is what my Asian nail tech (plus 3 other Asian nail techs) have told me in the past couple of months and for some reason I've bought into it. In my 8 months of pregnancy only 3 people have told me they think I'm having a girl...my husband, my friend Julie and my husband's business partner Dave. Those odds are not great. On top of that I've had 2 midwives tell me that if they had to guess they would say boy. Now I'm not saying they have any special powers, but given they have been doing this for years and seen a LOT of preggo women, I have a feeling they have a pretty good sense. Anyhow, I thought it would be fun, to let you all in on all the fun tests, old wives tales, etc. that I've done over the last few months to try and determine what we'll be having. After reading you make the call :)
String TestThis is the test where you take a piece of string, place a gold ring on the end of it and hover it over your body. If it goes back and forth it is a boy, if it goes in circles it is a girl (*Disclaimer, there are numerous takes on this test, some say if it goes in circles its a boy and if it goes side to side its a girl so I'm going to say this one is about 5% accurate....not great odds). As soon as we placed it over my stomach it began going crazy in circles and only got larger and larger from there. Check one box for girl (depending on which theory you go with).
Chinese Gender Prediction CalendarThis is supposed to be based off the month you conceive and your age at the time of conception. Test claims to be 99% accurate...not sure I'm buying that. At any rate, ours said girl. Check one box for girl.
Asian Nail TechsAs mentioned above, I went to get my nails down about 2 months ago and as soon as I walked in the lady said "You having boy" to which I polietly replied, "well actually, we aren't sure" to which she insistently replied "No, no, you having a boy. No question". Alright, I'm not going to lie...this just flat out creeped me out. She seemed to be seeing right through the skin of my stomach or something. I had an overwhelming sense right then and there that it was a boy. Needless to say I've been back to the same nail salon 2 times since then, had 2 different nail techs and all have pretty much told me I'm having a boy. No questions asked. Check one box for boy.
HeartbeatTwo weeks ago I went for a check up and saw a new midwife that I had yet to meet in my practice. She walked in, took the heartbeat and immediately said.."You having a boy?". To which I replied "Um, I'm not sure, but now I'm thinking I am. Why did you just say that?!" She went on to tell me that she honestly had no idea but that an old wives tale says that when a heartbeat is above 135 it is a girl and below 135 it is a boy. Mine was at 124. Check one box for boy.
DreamsThey always say (although I often wonder who the "they" is in cases like this) that whatever gender you dream you are having is usually what it ends up being. Its like mothers have this sixth sense that comes out in their unconscious world of dreams. Well up until 2 weeks ago I had had MANY baby dreams but none of those dreams were specific to one sex or the other. In fact, I don't even think I knew the sex of the baby in those dreams.....it was almost asexual. Then it happened. 2 weeks ago I had a VIVID labor and delivery dream (and I mean vivid) and when the baby came out I can still picture Josh and I looking down at our babe, spreading the legs and low and behold...it was a girl. Check one box for girl.
Old Wives TalesIf you are carrying low and out front its a boy. Check one box for boy.
If you are very sick in the first trimester its a girl. Check one box for boy.
If you have bad acne in the beginning its a girl (girl steals beauty). Check one box for girl.
If your face changes shape (i.e. nose gets bigger, wider, etc) its a girl. Check one box for boy.
Alright - now you have all the info...you make the call!