Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Tour

Last night my husband and I embarked on the hospital tour. The tour was about an hour long and made things seem VERY real. I sure hope they give you a refresher when you are actually going through labor as I'm about 95% sure neither of us will remember half the stuff.

The first stop on the tour was the actual delivery room. Surprisingly it looked just like any normal recovery room with the exception that it was a little larger. I'm not sure why but I was picturing a big white stark operating room....i think I have the movies to blame for that. At any rate, when our tour guide pulled out the "bare-down" bars on the side of the bed, my heart rate shot through the roof. I kept visualizing myself giving birth to a human being and it just seems so surreal that I will actually be doing that in less than 2 months. Our guide then proceeded to tell us that once the babe is actually born and they've done all the necessary assessments, they will then bring the baby back to mom "at which point you will nurse". She said it just like that. Like it was no big deal. Like we were all supposed to know how to nurse at that moment. UM, EXCUSE ME! So many questions flooded my brain...."how will my baby know how to nurse, how will I know how to nurse, is there someone who will be helping me, are they just going to hand me my baby and expect me to know what to do, ahhhhh". Rather than raise my hand and sound like a looney I kept all thoughts to myself and made a mental note to call my sister as soon as I left.

Now the next part of the tour was the recovery area. Nothing new here as I've visited these rooms many a time in my day. The difference this time, was a feeling. When we walked past the nursery and saw all the newborns in there it hit me and I got this overwhelming feeling of excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, you name it. At that moment I could not WAIT to meet our little one. The whole ride home Josh and I kept talking about what we thought baby murph was going to look like. I"m convinced we are going to have a bald headed boy. Josh used to think girl though he's been leaning towards boy lately, but he thinks there will be strawberry blond fuzz. Josh had red hair as a little boy and mine was strawberry blonde, so no matter what, I think at some point our child is destined to have red in his/her hair.

Friday we meet with our potential pediatrician...more to follow after that!

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