Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Please Bring Back the Cold Weather"

My husband can vouch for me when I say that I don't think I EVER would have guessed those words would come out of my mouth. Don't get me wrong, any time fall or winter rolls around each year I get excited, but my excitement usually lasts for all of 3 weeks and then I'm ready for summer again. I'm a full on hot-weather, beach bathing, swimming, sweat fest kind of girl. I would prefer to be hot over cold any time of the year. Usually at the first sign of spring I am giddy, anxious to do anything and everything outside. Not this year. This year has been different. This year we have been holed up in our house on numerous occasions due to the cold, ice and snow and I can honestly say I have LOVED every minute of it. I've even enjoyed venturing outside in the 30-40 degree weather to take my dog on walks. I will always remember 2010 as the year that pregnancy made me appreciate winter (lets not get crazy, I'm sure next year I'll be back to only appreciating summer but it was nice to have it one year).

Here's the problem. The temperature has started rising and I'm not ready for it to do that yet. First of all, its February right? Are we really supposed to be having 70 degree weather in February? It has to get cold again, right? Every day I anxiously open the paper and read the 5 day forecast, only to be disappointed when the words "70 degrees and sunny" are staring back at me. How depressing is that?! Now is when I should be jumping for joy, anxious to get outside, planning all activities around being outdoors. But no, I want to be nice and cool, snuggled up in my house and lets be honest, a) you just can't do that when it is 70 degrees out and b) someone will classify you as certifiably insane if all you do is sit inside on these gorgeous days. So instead, I find myself sweating (a lot) and making my lazy bum get up and "enjoy" the outside so that I seem normal to everyone else. And while all my friends and coworkers talk about the weather and how they hope it stays this way, I politely agree on the outside, but truthfully am yearning for just a few more snow days.

Now I leave you with my latest belly pic. This was taken at exactly 33 weeks. Upon seeing this pic, you clearly understand where I'm coming from....I'm carrying an extra basketball worth of heat around with me!

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