Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Stuff Nobody Ever Tells You Part 3

Today I'm 34 weeks pregnant and these past few weeks have brought a whole new host of things that I was not expecting. As promised, I'm here to share these with you so all my soon to be mommy friends can be prepared :)

1). The size of your stomach will double, no wait triple, in size in the last few weeks. I went from everyone telling me I had officially "popped" to everyone telling me "holy crap you are huge!" in a matter of weeks. In my particular case, my "hugeness" occurred somewhere between weeks 31 and 34 and is still going.....

2). The third trimester brings good days and bad days and you just need to take it one day at a time. I'm not sure what I was expecting. I had always heard that the 2nd trimester was the best and the the third was tough again. I guess when I heard this I just assumed most people meant that the last couple of weeks were rough cause you were anxious and just ready to have the baby. For me, though, as soon as I hit 30 weeks things started getting hard. As mentioned above I got so huge so I immediately started having pretty bad back issues. On top of that the baby movements are so strong that they literally hurt! My baby is positioned in a way that the bum is pushing up into my ribs which makes breathing a chore. All the little kicks turn into full on pushing and sometimes the pressure is almost unbearable! I also recently started experiencing Braxton Hicks in my third trimester and those are just plain crazy! Your uterus contracts and your stomach becomes rock hard it literally takes your breath away for a moment. It all lasts a matter of minutes and then softens again...but those minutes seem like an hour when its happening. Luckily it is not painful. Just uncomfortable and a little scary :)

3). The world becomes a better place. At this point there is no question that you are pregnant and everyone in their brother wants to talk to you, help you out, do whatever they can for you. And for the most part, they are complete strangers! Every grocery check out clerk asks me about my baby and how I'm feeling and if there is anything they can do, etc. You might think this would be annoying, but I think it is just sweet. Everyone is so excited for you and it is fun to share this excitement with them. You also get every door opened for you, priority seating at restaurants, bags carried for you, you name it. It is nice and I am enjoying every moment of it.

4). Butterflies, butterflies, butterflies. These start in the 3rd trimester. At least for me they did. I never in a million years thought I would be this nervous. But somewhere in those early 30 weeks it hits you. I'm mostly nervous about the labor and delivery. I've hit the moment where I realized that in just 5 weeks or so I'm going to have to get this large baby out of me somehow. On top of that, all my sweet friends have been giving me tips and care packages of things I'll need to recover and heal faster and those have also scared the bee gees out of me. Things like ice packs and gel pads and epson salt, etc. Again, I'm so thankful for them to give me these things but it also makes me realize I'm about to go through a very painful and not to mention scary process!

5). It is true what they say about having to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. What they fail to mention is that there are many times where only as much as a drop will come out. But somehow, that one drop makes all the difference in the world! It is crazy. You can feel like you are going to DIE you have to pee so bad but when you go hardly anything comes out and somehow it makes everything better. I guess you can chalk that up to the baby putting so much weight on your bladder that it doesn't leave much room.

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