Friday, March 25, 2011

Weekly Check In

So from here on out I might as well give you all the weekly check in, since we are now full-term and could technically have this baby at any point (please lord sooner rather than later).

Tuesday was our 37 week check-in. To date, we have luckily made some progress: 1cm dilated, 50% effaced and baby has dropped. The midwife actually said I looked small to which I thought I was hearing things and then she reassured my hearing loss by saying that that generally means the baby has descended into the pelvic area. Phew. For a second there I thought I needed to make a mental note to get my ears checked. While it's a good sign that things are moving forward it really means nothing in terms of timing. I could be this way for 3 more weeks or I could turn on a dime. All it means is progress. Sigh.

Next Tuesday is our 38 week check-in, so I will continue to keep you all posted. Say some prayers that baby Murph graces us with his/her presence soon :)

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