On one hand, I remember when he was first born I could not wait for him to reach 1, and now, here we are and in fact I am a little sad that he is already 1. I feel as though this past year was one big blur and wish that I could do it all over again and really appreciate each and every second. I'm hoping when we go through all this again I can just stop and "smell the roses" so to speak. They go through so many milestones in that first year and it is truly amazing when you take time to reflect on it.
On the other hand, I am ecstatic that we all survived the 1st year and our little "biggy" is growing up. In those first few weeks of his life I used to chant "if we can only make it to 1 year", "if we can only make it to 1 year" and guess what....we made it! And we made it with flying colors and it FLEW by. He is already trying to talk and I just know in a few short months he will be walking and talking all over the place and then we will no longer have a "baby". It's going to be a blast!
The past month of Liam's 1st year has been a little rough to say the least. He has had 3 major illnesses in the past 4 weeks alone. Not to mention we took away the bottle AND the formula. First came hand/foot/mouth awfulness, but luckily it was short lived. Next we had a small cold that went straight into a double ear infection. Finally, while recovering from the ear infection we came down with chicken pox. We were 1 week away from getting the vaccine and just like that.....he is now covered in spots. We are nearing the end of the pox, which in comparison weren't as bad as some other things he has had this year, and I'm really hoping that for our little man's sake, he can stay well for awhile. I think he (and us for that matter) deserve it! So, to kick of this year of "healthiness" as I like to call it, we are heading to the zoo today for the first time. Can't wait to show Liam all the different animals and ride on the choo choo train. Of course he won't be able to touch anything (just being overly safe cause of the pox), so we will definitely have to go back soon when he can climb all over. On Saturday we are heading out to my parents house for a small pizza, cupcake and present opening celebration with his cousins, Aunts/Uncles and grandparents. It should be a lot of fun and we can't wait!
At 1, Liam is:
- A pretty laid back little boy who loves to ham it up and needs to constantly be doing something
- Fairly close to walking: Stands by himself for extended periods of time and will attempt to take some steps to mommy
- Trying to talk up a storm: Points to EVERYTHING all day long and says "dat?", says "uh oh" repeatedly, says "all done" and will sometimes say "yeh"
- Still LOVES pushing his truck and walking behind it
- Is now loving The Wiggles (Really anything with music he will sit and watch)
- Has a severe obsession with balloons...they literally make him crazy
- Still has a pretty hefty appetite (I heard this slows down around 1, but not for us yet!)
- Sleeping from 7 - 6/6:30 regularly (unless sick of course)
- Taking two 1 1/2 hour naps a day
- Loves playing with pillows (strange, I know)
- Weighs in at 23 lbs 8 oz (We don't go for our official 1 year check up until the end of next week, but since he has been so sick lately we've gotten on the scale quite a few times for our dr visits)
Happy birthday buddy! Aunt Liz loves you!