Saturday, May 5, 2012


No walker yet, but we do have a stander.  He's been standing for a couple of seconds on his own here and there for awhile, but just this past week Liam starting letting go of things and just standing for long periods at a time.  His favorite is for us to put on a music video and he stands, starts clapping and bouncing up and down.  It's too cute.  According to our daycare teachers, taking steps is the next phase...who knows how long it will take him to do that, but it is going to be pretty cute whenever it happens.  The majority of the kids in Liam's class are already "toddling" around and it is adorable.

In other news, Josh and I are taking our 2nd ever trip away from Liam this weekend.  We are leaving Sunday and heading to Old Edwards Inn in North Carolina with our neighbors.  We are only gone 3 days, but I'm still a little nervous about leaving him.  Hopefully once he is out of my sight I can relax and enjoy the freedom for a couple of days.  Josh's wonderful parents are flying in to take over mommy and "dada" (as Liam says) duty for those few days.  I'm sure we will have great pictures and wonderful stories from them to share next week!

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